Recent Books

cover of Ultima and Worldbuilding in the Computer Role-Playing Game

Ultima and Worldbuilding in the Computer Role-Playing Game

Carly A. Kocurek and Matthew Thomas Payne

Ultima and Worldbuilding in the Computer Role-Playing Game is the first scholarly book to focus exclusively on the long-running Ultima series of computer role-playing games (RPG) and to assess its lasting impact on the RPG genre and video game industry.

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cover of Video Game Art Reader: Volume 5: Game Arts Curators Kit

Video Game Art Reader: Volume 5: Game Arts Curators Kit

Tiffany Funk, María Luján Oulton, Chaz Evans, Rene G. Cepeda and Tim Kwasny

This special edition of the Video Game Art Reader features an international collaboration of video game professionals working together to create a resource for game exhibition organization, design, and curation.

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cover of Tania El Khoury's Live Art: Collaborative Knowledge Production

Tania El Khoury's Live Art: Collaborative Knowledge Production

Laurel V. McLaughlin and Carrie Robbins

Tania El Khoury’s Live Art is the first book to examine the work of Tania El Khoury, a “live” artist deeply engaged in the politics and histories of the South West Asia and North Africa (SWANA) region.

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cover of Dismantling the Nation: Contemporary Art in Chile

Dismantling the Nation: Contemporary Art in Chile

Edited by Florencia San Martín, Carla Macchiavello Cornejo & Paula Solimano

The first volume to theorize and historicize contemporary artistic practices from Chile in the English language, Dismantling the Nation begins from a position of radical criticism against the nation-state of Chile and its capitalist, heteronormative, and extractivist rule.

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